Thankful for the Unexpected
I started my blog at 15. My life, and my post, have definitely changed a lot over the last few years. I never realized how much has changed until I find old things I've written. I started my blog for writing experience back when I just knew I wanted to be a journalist, but the purpose of my blog, and my career choice, have both definitely changed. My blog became my way of encouraging others through my experiences and things I have learned. I recently graduated high school, and my senior year was so memorable that I didn't want it to end. The last week of school brought many tears as I felt like I was forced to leave behind what I've always known and loved. You would expect the hardest day to be memory day or graduation, but for me, it was the day of the spring football game. I realized I would never experience another game day at Scottsboro High School, and things only got worse as the night went on as I spent the first game day of my high school career not sitting in the student section. Senior year was full of many surprises, and I never would have expected to be where I am in my life right now. God answered many prayers for me senior year and gave me things I didn't even know I needed. As many of you know I was set on leaving this fall to attend the University of Alabama. I wanted a fresh start and the freedom I expected to come with it. I had no plans of even applying at Northeast. I had already said many times that I wouldn't stay. Fall of senior year one of those surprises I mentioned earlier happened. I will always believe it was God's timing, and that He knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it. I found a version of myself that had been lost for a very long time. I still was not set on staying, but as the year went on I found the idea of leaving getting harder and harder. I was trying to come up with a way to have both a life here, and in Tuscaloosa, since such a big part of my life, and what makes me the happiest was here. I knew I wouldn't know how to be happy if I left, yet I was scared to stay because what will I do without the social life that comes with high school. I was so torn and I prayed that God would show me what I was supposed to do. Towards the end of the school year I received a letter telling me that I had received a scholarship to Northeast that was entirely too good to pass up. There was my answer to what I had been trying to figure out on my own for so long. I felt like the stress I had been carrying around for months just fell off of me.
I am 18 now, and you know most kids say things like "well when I'm 18 I'll do this or that", but I learned very quickly that the freedom that comes with being 18 does not happen without being responsible and honest. It's a confusing point in your life of being too old, yet not old enough, but life is always about learning new things, and this has just been one of those things for me. Oh, and being 18 gets you no where at Shakalaka... your mom still has to sign your waiver.
I will begin college in the fall and attend Northeast for two years as a Presidential Host. My major is currently undecided. I'm considering a couple of different things. I know I definitely want a job dealing with lots of people (I really love people), even more specifically children, yet there is still such a big place in my heart for special needs children so I haven't fully decided where I should go with that. After Northeast I may attend the University of Alabama, but I'm definitely considering a few other places as well, Auburn being one of them (It's not about football for me). But as always I'll pray to be where I am meant to be.
I've been told many times that God has better plans for my life than I have for myself. Looking back that statement has definitely proved itself to be true considering a year ago both my plans and myself where so different. I am so thankful for where I am in my life right now, and for all that he has blessed me with.
xoxo, brooklyn
I am 18 now, and you know most kids say things like "well when I'm 18 I'll do this or that", but I learned very quickly that the freedom that comes with being 18 does not happen without being responsible and honest. It's a confusing point in your life of being too old, yet not old enough, but life is always about learning new things, and this has just been one of those things for me. Oh, and being 18 gets you no where at Shakalaka... your mom still has to sign your waiver.
I will begin college in the fall and attend Northeast for two years as a Presidential Host. My major is currently undecided. I'm considering a couple of different things. I know I definitely want a job dealing with lots of people (I really love people), even more specifically children, yet there is still such a big place in my heart for special needs children so I haven't fully decided where I should go with that. After Northeast I may attend the University of Alabama, but I'm definitely considering a few other places as well, Auburn being one of them (It's not about football for me). But as always I'll pray to be where I am meant to be.
I've been told many times that God has better plans for my life than I have for myself. Looking back that statement has definitely proved itself to be true considering a year ago both my plans and myself where so different. I am so thankful for where I am in my life right now, and for all that he has blessed me with.
xoxo, brooklyn