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Making the Most of the Memories
Wow, I knew it had been a while since I had last written, but I didn't realize it had been over six months. I don't really have an excuse, other than the occasional writers block, and a busy schedule but, I apologize. Another summer quickly passed. I have to say, this summer was one of the best considering I can drive now! Being able to drive myself around makes the teenage life a whole lot easier. Another school year is here and the first month of junior year has been amazing, yet depressing. I have the famous Mrs. Esslinger (aka Mamma E) for Honors English. She is everything I had hoped she would be and so much more. In all honesty, her class makes me question my opinions on life on a daily basis. It's both educational yet emotional at times. I've presumed my role as Co-Editor over the school newspaper and yearbook. With my new position I've faced some new challenges and I've realized I'm not following anyone else's directions anymore. The other students come to Sonni (the other Co-Editor) and myself about their questions. It's now our place to decide the stories of the newspaper, the pages, and the theme of the yearbook. That has taken some getting use to.
I'm extremely excited to be an upperclassmen and accept all of the privileges and responsibility's that come with being an upperclassmen. Yet, junior year has become a bit of a reality check as I've realized that my high school career is already half way over. In less than two years my life will be completely different. I'll hopefully be off at college somewhere perusing a career in writing, trying to make something of myself.
I've become close friends with two extremely sweet and fun freshmen girls lately. Watching Chloe and Cheyanne experience all the exciting moments of high school for the first time makes me want to start all over again and be a freshman. The first pep rally, the first home football game, homecoming week, and so much more-- these are all memories that are now meaning so much more to me. The alma mater has become so much more to me now as well. Thanks to Mrs. Esslinger, the junior class sings the real words to the alma mater and not "watermelon bubble gum" anymore. None of us knew the words before.
So here I am, the beginning of my junior. I plan to cheer for the wildcats until I can't talk anymore, go all out at our themed pep rally's, experience everything that comes with being an upperclassmen, create a great yearbook, become closer with my class, and make the most out of the memories with the people that mean the most.